Hi 👋🏽, I'm Jeremiah. My superpower is talking to computers!

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Jeremiah Chienda

Software Engineer

You're in Great Company

Over the last 10 years, I've had the great priviledge of working with and for some amazing organizations

  • Irembo
  • MTL
  • NBS Bank
  • Seshat Bank
  • CLA
  • UNDP
  • Bestseller
  • Baobab Health Trust
  • Centenary Bank
  • TNM
  • Kuunika Data for Action
  • One Afre Fund
  • Times Group

Fresh from the Blog

My goal is to help you think like a Senior Engineer. I write mostly about React, Flutter and .NET, but you can apply it to any stack 👾

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    7 Practical Ways to Write Rich Frontends without Javascript today

    Developers have a love-hate relationship with Javascript. On the one hand, it is a vibrant community that is always evolving in its quest to quench an ever-parching thirst for users to do magic in web browsers.

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    NoSQL Data Modelling Tips for SQL Developers

    If you're like me, you probably started building Web Apps during the WAMP era; adapting to this new world of Document Databases feels very weird. For me, it oddly felt like moving from an automatic to a stick shift car. Wait, that should be the other way round I believe...

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    Top 5 Technologies for Developers in 2021

    2021 is already off to a flying start, and if you are a Software Developer, you probably have set some goals to upgrade your programming stack this year.

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    Stop Undercharging NOW! The Freelancer’s Ultimate Guide to Pricing Software Projects

    Ah, the life of a freelancer! Not a week goes by without a fellow developer sliding into my inbox with the million-dollar question - "How much should I charge for this app?"

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    Let's hang out for a 1:1 👋🏽

    Im happy to take 30 minutes out of my schedule to provide mentorship, pair programming, qna, or just chill and talk tech!
